Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Grand Old Party is for sale, to the lowest bidder.


           As we look back over the events of the past year or so, it all seems so 

unbelievable, that if it were a work of fiction, no one would have published such a crazy

story.  Even now, as I try to gain some kind of perspective on the incredible proceedings,

 it is difficult to understand how a once morally courageous political party, could become 

so cowardly, and so totally under the control of the very worst elements of American 


        But then we remember the three-year long, build-up to 2020, as Donald Trump built 

his coalition of racists, xenophobes, and willfully ignorant fools, that William Allen White 

called the "great, seething, moronic underworld'! Trump fostered and nurtured them into 

a misguided but powerful, voting block, which would be loyal to Trump alone.  

He then began using that power of voter-control, to make sure that all of the Republican 

members of congress, would let him do what ever he wanted to do, even if it was 

treasonous, without suffering any consequences for his actions. 

     Then Trump tried to withhold military aid from one of our allies, as a way to extort

a promise from them, to create false information about his political opponent, in 

exchange for the bribe of the needed aid.  That despicably treasonous act, justifiably

led to Trump's first impeachment.  But despite an abundance of proof of his crime, 

the senate Republicans refused to see the proof, or hear witnesses, or say that Trump 

was guilty.  They preferred to play blind, deaf and dumb, and let him continue his criminal 

behavior, rather than risk his political wrath.   And giving that false verdict was just one 

of their betrayals of their oaths of office, which they committed, in order to hold on 

to their prestigious, government positions.  

     Following that criminal triumph, came the news of the coming pandemic, which 

Trump downplayed as a simple flu, which would soon disappear without any great

consequences for the American public, even though he had been informed of how

disastrously lethal the plague was likely to become.  Even worse, as the pandemic 

raged, he failed to properly prepare the country to fight the plague, while openly 

discouraging the proper use of safety mandates, such as masks to stop the spread

of the virus.  And as a result, we have now lost over half a million victims to the plague, 

more than all of the soldiers we lost in the first and second world wars and Vietnam 


     Then as the 2020 election drew closer, and it became clear that Trump was likely

to lose, he began to plot a way to hold on to power, which only a narcissistic, fascist

mind could dream up.  Over a period of months, before the election, he began telling

his followers that the election was going to be rigged and that millions of votes would

be stolen.  With his militias thus prepared, following his loss, he rallied the mindless 

fanatics, and called them to Washington, to assemble for a fight, on the day when the 

congress officially counts the votes of the Electoral College.  When the mob gathered,

 he sent them to the Capitol, to violently try to prevent the congress from doing its duty.  

 He told them that he would go too, but he sneaked off to the White House to watch 

the violence unfold on television.  As the terrorists raged, severely injuring over one 

hundred and forty officers, and threatening the lives of the vice president, the speaker 

of the house and all the members of congress, he did nothing to stop the lethal rampage!

     What was he thinking? Was he hoping that Mike Pence or Nancy Pelosi might be

killed or so severely injured that he could declare martial law, and nullify the election?

Whatever he had in mind, it didn't work.  So, when it was all over, but the clean-up,

he finally spoke to his murderous mob, saying "We love you. You're very special!" 

     The inevitable result for such an incitement to insurrection, was Trump's second 

impeachment, and the conclusion was just as inevitable.  Even though a large majority 

of the congress find Trump detestable,and would have found him guilty if given the 

option of a secret ballot, all but a few of the Republican senators voted to give him 

another acquittal.  In true Trump fashion, they chose to do what was best for 

themselves, rather than what was best for the country.  

     The party which once stood for the ultimate in patriotism, courage and 

self-sacrifice, now only stands for irresponsibility, cowardice and greed.  

They now prefer the policy of  "see nothing, hear nothing and say nothing!" 

     John McCain must be turning over in his grave.