Friday, September 20, 2024

A Felon For President - and - When will we ever learn?


                                                             A Felon For President

                                                             mixed media, 8 X 10"

     During the glory days of news papers in America, the political artists were great 

commentators on the stupidities of the people we trust to govern our nation.  The above

cartoon, is one from about thirty five or so years ago, which I have adapted to a different

Republican running for high office, than the crook in the original version.  All I had to do 

was change politicians, from the old, crooked Republican who was running for the 

Senate, to our best known, Republican felon today, who is now running for president.

     Forty years ago, this cartoon would probably have gained more laughs than it will now.

We have become tiresomely accustomed to the knowledge that the members of the 

Republican party tend to be more interested in their own financial rewards than they are 

concerned about the general welfare of the people or the country.   So now we don't need 

more humorous reminders of their repeatedly blatant, criminal behavior.  Sadist of all, 

in this pervasive cultural decline of honesty in political campaigns, is the realization that

such a large segment of the population, is accepting lies as some kind of alternative truth.

Recently, at a Trump political rally, I noticed that a number of people were proudly waving

signs declaring that they were proud to be voting for a felon.

    When our respect for truth and justice in America has fallen this low, how long will

it take us to climb out of such a mass attack on our democracy?   Is recovery from this

much intentional ignorance even possible? 

                                                                                Eugene P. McNerney