Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Enduring Ignorance - and - Horatio's New Role


     "Call me Hakoris!" 

     Those were the spoken words which interrupted my troubled thoughts this morning.

That short sentence was reminiscent of the first line of Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick.

But when I looked to see who had arrived, I saw that the speaker was not attired for 

whaling.  My little friend, thespian and sometime model, Horatio H. Hamster Esq., had 

popped in for a visit, and his costume was more appropriate for an ancient Egyptian 

palace, than it was for a vessel like the Pequod.   His opening line had eliminated any 

question of what the middle "H" in his name stood for, during this visit.

     I greeted him warmly and thanked him for stopping by for a little chat.  It is always 

good to hear the latest, inside news about the events and troubles, here in our little 

animal kingdom.  He seemed a bit depressed, despite his royal finery, so, as I began 

a quick sketch of him, I asked how things were going for him and his friends.

     He answered that he was sorry to have to say that his theater company at the troubled

Quadruped Playhouse, was even more sharply divided than ever.  Although a majority 

of the company had voted to expel Donald J. Skunk from membership, because of his 

unrelenting stench, he still has a minority of supporters who want the company to have 

a second vote on his membership.  The skunk's friends are still the same cast of 

characters, including Lindsey Groundhog, Ted Coyote, Kevin McWeasel and that 

whole family of nearly deaf and blind foxes.  And adding to this turmoil in the company 

is the skunk's cousin, Ron deCivet Cat, who would like those supporters of the skunk 

to switch their loyalty to him and his particularly unpleasant aroma.  He wants to make

a name for himself by directing a new production of Shakespeare's Antony And 

Cleopatra, staring himself as Antony, and Julia Rabbit as Cleopatra.  He offered 

Horatio the role of Ptolemy X111.

                  "The P in Ptolemy is silent, you know", said Horatio, "and my part in the

            production would be equally silent because Ptolemy The Eighth was already

            dead before the play begins.  When I Ptolled him that, he said that he would

            do a rewrite and put in a different pharaoh.  So I Ptolled him that it was not

            Ptolerable to rewrite Shakespeare, and that adding a different pharaoh was a 

            Pterrible idea, and that it will end up as a Ptrully Ptragic Ptragedy!"

     When I asked Horatio if his words had any effect on the deCivit Cat's plans for the 

play, he said that the rewrite was continuing. evidently with the intention of eliminating

the role of Cleopatra as much as possible, because everyone could see that Julia was

far more talented than Ron, and he just didn't like being out shown on stage.  

     The last information that Horatio had received from the amateur playwright, was 

that Horatio would play a Pharaoh by the name of Hakoris, who also lived well 

before the time of Antony and Cleopatra.  So it seemed that accuracy and logic

were not figuring into the author's version of history.

     But it was beginning to look like the play would never get on stage, because 

Horatio said that a majority of the company was becoming tired of the Civet stench. 

     As I was finishing my sketch, and Horatio was preparing to leave, I asked him

how I should say goodbye to an ancient Ptolemaic Pharaoh.  And he quickly replied,

"Just lay your Ptributes on my Ptomb!"   With that he was gone as silently as he had


     After Horatio's departure, my thoughts returned to the nation's troubling current

events.  The notable, current contenders for presidential nominee of the Republican

Party, have just run a dog and pony show through Iowa and Wisconsin, and it was

mostly dogs.  Only one of this group of cowards was willing to say that he would 

not vote for a traitor to our democracy, to become president again.

    What is the reason for this cowardice?  One third or more of the MAGA base

of their party has fully accepted Trump's lies about a stolen election and a politicized

Department of Justice.  They are all wallowing in their deliberate ignorance as 

happily as hogs in a mud-hole.  Any candidate who wants to win the votes of these 

fools knows that he, or she, can not contradict the liar-in-chief.  They value their

own political ambitions more than they value truth and justice.

   And what is the reason for the steady allegiance of the MAGA idiots, to such 

an obvious fraud as Donald Trump?  I can't help but feel that when a man who

holds the office of the President of United States, is constantly displaying his 

hatreds, prejudices, xenophobia, and mistrust of our federal institutions, then his 

openly warped behavior makes it seem somehow more comfortable for people

to show the same warped flaws in their own character. 

     And what about the so-called leading Republican alternative to Trump, Ron 

Desantis?  Like the good little Nazi that he is, he has been busily taking away 

the personal freedoms of the people of Florida: banning books, telling teachers

what they are allowed to teach, telling women that they do not have the right

to determine their own future or the control of their own bodies, and rewriting

history to fit in with his own views.  When he stands up and proclaims that the

Africans who arrived here as slaves were here in some kind trade-school, why 

wasn't he laughed off the stage.  He seems to have forgotten that they were 

not here by choice, and that the so-called trade-school lasted their entire lives.

     If Desantis is the best presidential candidate that the Republican's can 

offer us, then, as my little friend Horatio might say as Ptolemy, ........

 that is a Ptruly Ptragic Ptragedy!

                                                      Eugene P. McNerney