Friday, January 31, 2025

A Hope For Spring


                                                Hibiscus blossom, with original ballerina painting  

     The weather during January, here in the center of our country's forty eight, contiguous 

states, has been colder than in the city of Anchorage Alaska.  But here in our snowy, 

deep freeze, I sometimes get little reminders of Percy B. Shelley's famous line, "If winter

comes, can spring be far behind?"

     There is a hibiscus tree here, which was started from a cutting brought back from 

Arizona, over half a century ago.  It is in a large pot, and is heavier than a person of my 

age should be carrying around, but last fall, I dutifully brought it back inside for the winter 

again.  It doesn't receive proper sun-light in the house, but it still offers up it's little, 

cheerful flowers. Hibiscus blossoms are a bit like the ballerinas of the flower world, with 

the delicate pleats of the petals, and also, their one-day life-span, is a reminder of 

the relatively short careers of most ballerinas.

    The colors of the blossoms of this hibiscus variety reminded  me of a little painting 

of mine, called Topaz Ballerina, so I set one in front of the painting, a took the picture

for this blog posting.      

     The older we grow, the more rapidly the seasons come and go, often before we

we are able to take full advantage of the opportunities of the warm months.  But

some little blossoms in the winter are a reminder that hope still springs eternal.

                                                              Eugene P. McNerney

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Climate Clataclysm - and - Burning Man 3

                                                          Burning Man 3,  original mixed media

                                                         10" X  8", unframed


     Los Angeles has been burning for days now.  Eighty thousand people have been 

required to evacuate from their homes.  Entire sections of the city have been reduced

to ashes, including schools, churches, grocery stores, pharmacies, service stations,

and all business related buildings, along with over twelve thousand houses.  The home

owners who escaped the fast moving fires, often fled with nothing more than the clothes

on their backs.  Those who were not able to escape in time, perished in the flames!

     In this blog, on August thirty first, and again on November twenty fourth of last year, 

I spoke about the looming peril of the climate crisis, for all of humanity, and I speculated

on our almost suicidal denial of what is coming for us.  We continue to buy gas guzzling

vehicles and continue to burn coal in our power plants.  But the most disturbing, of all of  

the offenders, are the people who have the power to make significant changes, but prefer 

to put profit ahead of what is best for our country and for the world. 

     The Biden administration made significant efforts in moving us toward renewable 

energy and electronic vehicles, but those efforts my well be erased by the greedy 

motivations of the expected Trump disasters.  President Biden removed much or our

nation's coastline from environmentally hazardous, off-shore oil drilling, but Trump has

already vowed to let big oil exploit those and other areas as much as they want, all

in the name of profit, and in continuing denial of global warming.  It's going to be

business as usual forTrump: drill baby drill, and burn baby burn!  

     We are all familiar with the way Trump handles national climate disasters.  Who 

can forget the images of him opening a carton of paper towels, and tossing a few rolls

to a crowed of hurricane victims, and then later on he withheld their hurricane relief

funds, which were approved by congress!

   After this new disaster in Los Angeles, the question now again is, are we going to

be able to fight the profiteers and save our planet, or are we all going to end up 

walking into the final fires.

                                                Eugene P. McNerney